Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Five Things To Remember About October 7, 2011

  1. Ninja called me at 8:15 am. I answered the phone trying to sound all bright and cheery...he could totally tell I was still in bed. Ooooops. He just laughed at me.
  2. I picked up the bestie today at the airport! IT'S FAIR DAY!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Since I've been dog sitting for my favorite dog ever, the best friend and I will be staying there all weekend. We went to the fair at about 1:00 pm after running a few errands. I got a call not even 30 minutes into the fair (we had only had one corny dog...seriously) that the dog was out and with animal control. I was soooooooo confused because we left him in the house, doors locked and all. So, we had to leave the fair and go meet this animal control lady....turns out, it wasn't even the dog I was keeping. I was so happy it wasn't him and everything was ok but so frustrated that we had to leave the fair grounds and go all the way back. We weren't in any hurry though so it wasn't that bad.
  4. At the fair we ate all of the following: Corny dog, Texas Twister Tators, Fried Green Tomatoes, Fried Guac Bites, Fried Smore, and Fried Pumpkin Pie. All of the above was amazing and I cannot wait for next year.
  5. After the fair the best friend and I were worn out. We went home, took a shower, ordered to go food and sat on the couch watching TV till about 9pm. We were both ready to go to bed. It was a little embarrassing. We both asked what the heck was wrong with us and we came to the conclusion that we are getting old. Scary.

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